A Ne várjatok túl sokat a világvégétől a felszínen egy road-movie, amelyben az alulfizetett és agyonhajszolt produkciós asszisztens Angela a zsúfolt és ellenséges Bukarestben autózik. Ezzel párhuzamosan megismerjük egy férfi tragédiáját, aki egy munkahelyi baleset után tolószékbe… [tovább]
Ne várjatok túl sokat a világvégétől (2023) 12★
163' · francia, luxemburgi, horvát, román · vígjáték 18
Képek 45
Ilinca Manolache | Angela / Bobita |
Nina Hoss | Doris Goethe |
Ovidiu Pîrsan | Ovidiu Pîrsan |
Dorina Lazăr | Angela Coman |
Andi Vasluianu | |
Uwe Boll | önmaga |
Eduard Cirlan | |
Adina Cristescu | |
Alex M Dascalu | Dan Trofaila |
Ioana Iacob |
4 Proof Film
Bord Cadre Films
Les Films d'Ici
További gyártók
Kedvencelte 4
Várólistára tette 27
Kiemelt értékelések
Két és fél órás román társadalmi szatíra, ami tele van friss utalásokkal,Uwe Boll, rengeteg román vulgaritás, retró taxisok, meg isteni román táncolós alterzene, meg Petőfi verset szavaló Orbán-szimpatizáns nagypapa is.
Népszerű idézetek
– Our promotion – - I know it. Uber also has Uber for Ukraine. I heard a joke about it. In the US, where you can buy guns from supermarkets, a teenager buys a whole arsenal to slaughter his schoolmates. The shop assistant goes! „Would you like a bazooka? For each bazooka we sell,we send a machine gun to Ukraine.”
– Maybe robots and Tesla or other self-driving cars will solve this problem.
– Maybe, but can we trust their software? Self-driving cars, I mean…
– I guess so, why not?
– Well, let's imagine this situation. A self-driving car approaches a child who got on the road. And the only way not to kill the child is to turn left and throwthe car and the driver into a wall and kill the driver. What decision the software takes? It will kill the child or the driver?
– I honestly don't know.
– You know what Goethe said when he died?
– No.
– Apparently he said Mehr Licht! „More light!” But my grandfather told me what he actually said was Mehr Nichts. „More nothing”.
– Making any new films?
– This one.
– I meant a feature, something serious, not corporate stuff.
– Everything is for corporations now. This shot looks like a Lumière film. The Lumière brothers' first film, with the workers leaving the factory, is considered a documentary, but that was only the first take, when they filmed workers actually leaving the factory. The brothers didn't like it,so the second take was directed. They made them come out again. So fiction was there from the start, as were ads and corporate films. Their footage was also an ad for the Lumière factory. And in 1897, Meliès had already shot a Bornibus mustard ad.
– What mustard was that?
– Bornibus.
– I'd like to see it.
– It's sadly lost. Only a photo from the shooting survived. Photos last longer than films.
– They say 14,000 children were sent in front of the troops to set off mines during the war between Iran and Iraq.
– Will we repeat this a lot?
– It depends on what you consider „a lot”. Chaplin is famous for the 800 takes he did for City Lights.
– What?
– 800, Madam. For one shot, because, wait for it, he didn't like how Virginia Cherrill spoke. In a silent film!
– I like Buster Keaton!
– We keep praising the Americans, but did you see them during that tornado? Workers in a candle factory in Kentucky were kept at work and Amazon asked an employee to deliver in the tornado.
– That Colonel Sanders from KFC was apparently a huge racist. That's why I prefer McDonald's.
– Hi, it's Bobiță! This is my atomic fallout shelter with some sluts inside, can't tell you much about them, there's people around. Just want to say: I support President Putin in his crusade against Nazis as for Zelensky, that two-dime Jew actor, I hope he dies like Hitler and his Ukraine with him, and Mr Putin stays there forever!
– Aren't you afraid they'll label you a Putinist?
– No, I hope some people are still smart.
– Read Thomas Bernhard, you'll see the Austrians were real Nazis. Millions of them applauded Hitler in ’38 in Heldenplatz. They were happy with the Anschluss, only played the victims later. In the ’80s they voted an SS officer for president, Kurt Waldheim. I can't stand them. They come here, destroy our forests, and we just stand by and make videos for them.