Adriana, egy naiv, vidéki olasz lány Rómába költözik, hogy filmsztárrá válhasson, és megtapasztalja a showbiznisz sötét oldalát.
Io la conoscevo bene (1965) 2★
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 3
Népszerű idézetek
– Trouble is, she likes everything. She's always happy. She desires nothing, envies no one,
is curious about nothing. You can't surprise her. She doesn't notice the humiliations, though they happen to her every day. It all rolls off her back like off some waterproof material. Zero ambition. No moral code. Not even a whore's love of money.
– Such language!
– Yesterday and tomorrow don't exist for her. Even living for today would mean too much planning, so she lives for the moment. Sunbathing, listening to records, and dancing are her sole activities. The rest of the time she's mercurial and capricious, always needing brief new encounters with anyone at all…just never with herself.
– I'm Milena, right? Is that what I'm like? Some sort of dimwit?
– On the contrary. You may be the wisest of all.