Gry-Jeanette azzal az álommal hagyta el Norvégiát , hogy színésznő legyen.
Most, 17 áttombolt évvel később, mivel nem talált sem hírnevet Hollywoodban, sem ismertséget Berlinben, visszatért Grittként.
Míg régi főiskolai barátai sikeres karriert alakítottak ki az oslói színházi… [tovább]
Gritt (2021) 1★
Képek 8
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 1
Népszerű idézetek
– There are structures in our mind that create the systems in society. And it's our job as artists to break the structures of the mind to break the systems in society.
Gritt (2021) 90%
– Now I'm working on a ritual. The aim is to give the paradigm shift we're facing a boost. To bury the patriarchy and capitalism. And it will culminate in a human chain around the Oslofjord, everybody dressed in white, holding hands. I want to visualize the inflammation in our society. The Arts Council is processing my application right now, so…
Gritt (2021) 90%
– In Artaud's book „The Theatre and its Double”, he tells us that to Asians, the color white is synonymous with decomposition.
– Right!
– Plague.
– Plague. Well, that makes perfect sense.
Gritt (2021) 90%
– Not the best view on women…
– What do you mean by that?
– No female drivers, for instance.
– It's just a movie.
– Fine, it's entertainment, but this is just so…far out! You're usually so politically aware, Marte.
– I'm just trying to enjoy this movie.
Gritt (2021) 90%
– We need singular voices who remind us of the strangeness of being alive.