Várólistára tette 4

Népszerű idézetek


– You're infantile! Yes, infantile!
– I don't know what that means!
– It means you're childish, naive, and a bit stupid.


– Look at this, young lady. Just look at it. Each one is an individual with its own characteristics and temperament. Yet together, they form a whole…of enormous power. An entire little orchestra of perfect virtuosi. How often do we encounter such perfection, Consul? This, this is absolute perfection. Shall I clasp it on, miss?


– Shall we have a glass of champagne?
– In the middle of the day? That's crazy.
– In my youth, one had champagne for breakfast!


– Who's the beautiful girl?
– My wife.
– Is she dead?
– In a mental hospital for 23 years. Since she gave birth. She thought her baby girl had a wolf's head.


– I'm like a hamster on the wheel. Everything is only as meaningful as the rotation of the wheel.

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