As Mil e Uma Noites: Volume 1, O Inquieto (2015) 1

Arabian Nights: Volume 1 - The Restless One
125' · francia, német, svájci, portugál · dráma

Portugáliában több mint 600 hajógyári dolgozót bocsátanak el. Egy méhész küzd az idegen méhek inváziója ellen. Egy afrikai varázsló olyan aeroszolos spray-t készít, amely a világ vezetőinek és az IMF pénzembereinek impotenciáját gyógyítja. Egy bíró bíróság elé állít egy kakast, mert túl korán… [tovább]


Képek 12


Miguel Gomesönmaga
Carloto CottaTradutor
Adriano LuzLuís
Rogério SamoraPrimeiro-Ministro

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-…then I'd rather go to Germany where I have family. One thing's for sure. If I leave my country, I'll never come back. I'll sell the house. They won't see a penny from me! I'm not giving money to mobsters. No! To crooks!


– I was actually quite used to it, because every year for 17 yearsI would climb a 50-meter tree to place the Christmas lights. It's the tallest tree in Europe, and it's here in Viana. And I did that on my own. I had to place one string of lights on each branch. One time, everything was set up, and I wanted to witness it being turned on.I had tested it. I was in the park.When they turned it on and the tree lit up, everyone started clapping.They were clapping and I was crying,
under the tree! I said to my wife, “I'll never come here again when they turn it on.” It was such a strong emotion. To me it' was a surprise. All those people clapping and I was Never again! I never watched it again. I would rather let them light it up and see it later. Because I just cried. At the time I cried!


– Luisinho and I, we go back a long way. I've done all sorts of things to him. I've infiltrated guys into his union, tapped his conversations through a friend of mine in the secret service. I even had him beaten up to try and set him straight. Right, Luisinho? But since you gentlemen arrived we resorted to going to Abrantes on Sundays, eel fishing. We now agree on almost everything, one of them being, if I may be so honest, that you gentlemen are a bunch of half-wits. Nobody can afford to buy anything anymore, companies are closing down, unemployment is rampant. I stopped going to mass because I don't believe in God anymore.
So I sort of understand why Luisinho is annoyed, and he's a calm fellow. A fisherman. And when he tells you to go fuck your mothers…I feel a certain joy. Likewise, I'm starting to suspect that the prime minister is mentally retarded and the minister of finances is a satanic bitch.


– And did you vote wisely?
– Did I vote wisely? I voted at random! I voted for them all! Nobody had the last laugh. All, just voted for all! That way everybody wins. Nobody will tell me off. I did what I felt like. There!

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