Egy epikus mű Oliveira késői korszakából. Flaubert Bovarynéja által inspirált, bár csak a regény alapszerkezetét őrzi meg, a film valójában Flaubert korának erkölcseit bírálja.
Ábrahám völgye (1993) 2★
Képek 10
Várólistára tette 2
Népszerű idézetek
– She's a circus tiger who wouldn't survive in the jungle. Evil is for sermons, she doesn't know if it really exists.
– Is she invulnerable?
– Everyone loves her. Even her enemies are friends.
– You mean Ema's upbringing?
– I mean Ema's and mine and women in general. We're educated as women, but our consciences are like a man's.
– What do you mean by that? That you are a rose? A rose in the wind?
– I'm nothing. I'm a swinging state of mind.
– No, I was talking about the world going the wrong way, about what they call 'progress'. About hunger, misery and unfairness.
– Straightforward to the worst!
– Well, I was talking about wrong ways. Europe, for instance. It created a civilization, right, but how? It took advantage of the things that didn't belong to it. What did it give them in exchange? It created a market to better suck the marrow out of them. Don't you think it's regrettable?
– I think you're overreacting a bit, don't you think?
– No, I don't think so. What civilized Europe produces today is nothing but garbage. Hunger and unfairness.
– You speak like a rebel.
– In a way, I am. But a peaceful one.
– I know that people, European or not, are part of mankind. That's exactly the problem with the world. Civilization degenerated and mankind became the virus that has destroyed nature. This Europe, there's no other, created the concept of civilization itself and is a victim of its own making. Europe realized it maybe too late and feels forced to rearrange the world. She's desperately trying to do it with democracy.
– The vineyards of Douro are one of the most impressive places in the world, only comparable to the rice fields in China, also planted in terraces. A place like this will never die, ever.