A megtorlás útján (2019) 15

90' · egyesült királysági · akció, krimi

Egy rab megszökik a börtönből és véres leszámolásba kezd, hogy elégtételt vegyen azokon, akik tönkretették az életét.


Képek 24


Scott AdkinsCain Burgess
Craig FairbrassLincoln Burgess
Thomas TurgooseTune
Nick MoranHyde
Daniel AdegboyegaRook
Louis MandylorO'Hara nyomozó
Kierston WareingBez
Ross O'HennessyEvans

Várólistára tette 5

Kiemelt értékelések


Klasszikus bosszútörténet ez, de valami elképesztően jó, nyers és brutális körítésben.


Klasszikus bosszú, ahol tocsog a vér és repül az agyvelő. Nem rossz, de nem is nézném meg újra.

Népszerű idézetek


Cain: It's funny, that. You don't look like a tough guy to me.
Tune: Well, what's a fucking tough guy look like then?!
Cain: Well, they look like me, don't they? You know, handsome, well-aged.


Nothing could have prepared me for the shit that I was about
to go through in this hellhole. So I had to make a choice.
If I was gonna get through this stretch in one piece
then I was gonna have to treat this like a fight.
I had to change myself into something I didn't even
recognize anymore… So as the months and the weeks rolled by,
I slowly but surely turned myself into what you see
before you now. A hardened, rusty nail.
You see, the body can be strengthened to a degree,
but it's your mind that makes you impervious to defeat.
Just like the skin on your knuckles, the mind can be made
callous as fuck. Bodily pain can do that.
So I learned how to take pain.
But, more importantly, I learned how to dish it out.

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