SzűrésSzerepei 12
Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight - Reinventing a Heroönmaga Beyond Batman: Scoring Forever - The Music of 'Batman Forever'önmaga Beyond Batman: The Many Faces of Gotham Cityönmaga Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight - Batman Unboundönmaga Beyond Batman: Maximum Overdrive - The Vehicles of Batman and Robinönmaga Batman: The Motion Picture Anthology 1989-1997 - Beyond Batman: Dressed to Thrill - The Costumes of 'Batman & Robin'önmaga Batman & Robin Villains: Poison Ivyönmaga Batman & Robin Villains: Baneönmaga Batman & Robin Villains: Mr. Freezeönmaga Batman & Robin Heroes: Batmanönmaga Batman & Robin Heroes: Batgirlönmaga Riddle Me This: Why Is Batman Forever?önmaga Producer 9