Művészek szűrése: Tae Won Seok

Player 2: Ggundeului Jeonjaeng (2024–)
The Player 2: Master of Swindlers · 플레이어2 꾼들의 전쟁
Én édes kiskutyám (2023)
My Puppy / My Heart Puppy · 멍뭉이 (Meongmoongi)
Kopók (2023–2023)
Bloodhounds / Hunting Dogs / Hound Dogs / Houds · 사냥개들 (Sanyanggaedeul)
A kiesett idő (2022–2022)
Glitch · 글리치
Sziszifusz a modern korban (2021–2021)
Sisyphus: The Myth / Sisyphus: The Fable · 시지프스
Magánélet (2020–2020)
Private Life / Private Lives · 사생활 / Sasaenghwal
Extrém meló (2019)
Extreme Job · 극한직업 / Geukhanjikeob
Arthdali Krónikák (2019–2019)
Arthdal Chronicles · 아스달 / 아스달 연대기 (Aseudal Yeondaegi)
Baekilui Nanggoonnim (2018–2018)
100 Days My Prince / Hundred Days' Husband / Dear Husband of 100 Days / · 백일의 낭군님
Player (2018–2018)
The Player / Hustle / Round / Pan · 허슬 / 플레이어