Woodstock (1970) 13

Woodstock élő legenda. Az 1969-ben rendezett rockfesztivál a műfaj történetének mérföldköve. Három napon át váltották egymást a színpadon az ismert és a kevésbé ismert énekesek és együttesek, köztük a ma már csak legendaként emlegetett halhatatlanok. Csak néhány a fellépők közül: Richie Havens,… [tovább]


Képek 20


Joe Cockerönmaga
Jimi Hendrixönmaga
The Who
Ten Years After
Janis Joplin
Canned Heat
Pete Townshend
Carlos Santana
Swami Satchidananda
Max Yasgur

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 2

Várólistára tette 34

Népszerű idézetek


– See, if you see the, show the picture in India…they won't believe this is taken in America. Because their impression of American children…and American ways is completely different. All neatly dressed, put on hat and tie and sitting on chairs.


– Helen Savage, please call your father at the Motel Glory in Woodridge. The warning that I've received you might take it…with however many grains of salt you wish…that the brown acid that is circulating around is not specifically too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that…but it's your own trip, so be my guest. Please be advised there is a warning on the one, okay?


– It's not so hard on them I'm the way I am. But I can't really communicate to them…about anything that's really important because they just could not understand it. My mother is really, she really…lives in a lot of pain…because she's sure I'm going to go to hell and there's nothing I can do…to tell her that there is, that it just does not exist for me. So l, there's no communication on, on those levels.
– My father was asking whether I was in a communist training camp or something…in, in the house that I lived in. I could understand, you know, where he came from. Because when he… well, he's an immigrant, you know. And so he came over here to better himself…economically and so forth, and all that other rot. And, to make it better for me and he can't understand why I didn't play, you know…saying, „Why aren't you playing the game? Here's all this opportunity.
Here's, here are all these things…which have so much value.” But they only have value to him…and he can't understand why they don't have value to me. But he does have wisdom enough to know, to allow me to be who I am. I guess he had some kind of idea in his head that…I will, by doing what I'm doing, learn for myself how to live. And that's what he wants me to do, anyway. So he, he can't understand why I am the way I am…but he, he very much wants me to be that way. Because he knows that's the only thing for me.


– l, I don't know. I, I used to be into drugs and…I was very heavy on drugs, but…now it seems like it's almost contrived. It's like drugs and revolution and the united front and all. You know, I'm a human being and that's all I want to be. And I don't…I don't want to have a mass change…because a mass change only brings around mass insanity. I just want to be myself and find out, find a place where I can…maintain some kind of balance within myself, you know. I'm kind of like the Hamlet trip, you know. To be or not to be.
– Do you think you could ever communicate with a guy like Nixon or Westmoreland?
– I hope so.
– They're doing their thing, aren't they?
– I don't know. It's like they, they're neurotic or psychotic or…having fun as they say in Life Mag… I don't know.
– They could say the same thing of you.
– Yeah, right. But it's not true, because, l, I don't need all that power, you know. Where I can just, I can just sit here right on this roadside…and l, I don't have to become President of the United States. And I don't have to go all that way up. I don't have to make the climb. Because there's nothing to climb for. It's all sitting right here.


– Thank you. We needed that! This is our second gig. This is the second time…we've ever played in front of people, man! We're scared shitless!


– Give me an „F”!…Give me a „U”!…Give me a „C”!…Give me a „K”!…What does that spell?
– Fuck!

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