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Aaron Swartz: In the old system of broadcasting, you're fundamentally limited by the amount of space in the airwaves. You could only send out ten channels over the airwaves, television or even with cable, you had 500 channels. On the Internet, everybody can have a channel. Everyone can get a blog, or a MySpace page. Everyone has a way of expressing themselves.
What you see now is not a question of who gets access to the airwaves, it's a question of who gets control over the ways you find people. You know, you start seeing power centralizing in sites like Google, theses sort of gatekeepers that tell you where on the internet you want to go. The people who provide you your sources of news and information.
So it's not only certain people have a license to speak, now everyone has a license to speak. It's a question of who gets heard.
Aaron Swartz: I feel very strongly that it's not enough to just live in the world as it is, to just kind of take what you're given, and you know, follow the things that adults told you to do, and that your parents told you to do, and that society tells you to do. I think you should always be questioning.
I take this very scientific attitude, that everything you've learned is just provisional, that it's always open to recantation or refutation or questioning, and I think the same applies to society. Once I realized that there were real serious problems…fundamental problems… that I could do something to address, I didn't see a way to forget that. I didn't see a way not to.