Tom, a magányos tizenéves rocksztár szeretne lenni, de úgy érzi, hogy az álmát meghiúsítja az őt egyedül nevelő, vallásos édesanyja, Mary. Egy nap félelmetes idegen költözik az alattuk lévő lakásba, aki állandóan bömbölő rock zenét játszik, Tom rájön, hogy a fickó Max Stone, a Nothing nevű… [tovább]
Talpalatnyi zene (2014) 9★
Nicholas Galitzine | Tom |
Luke Perry | Steve |
Lisa Dillon | Mary |
Verity Pinter | Felix |
James Tarpey | Damien |
Várólistára tette 26
Népszerű idézetek
Mary: Tom, where's your helmet?
Tom: It's chained to my bike.
Mary: You are using it, aren't you, Tom?
Tom: Yes, Mom.
Mary: Do you know the number of people I've seen that'd still be alive if they'd worn a helmet?
Tom: Did you see those paramedics?
Mary: Yeah. The old lady downstairs… Crrrrrk!
Tom: Maybe if she would have worn a helmet…
Mary: Tom!
Tom: Do you think I can do it?
Steve: Got a few things workin' against you.
Tom: Like?
Steve: Well, you have a crippling shyness that renders you incapable of playing in front of anyone except me.
Tom: Right, apart from that.
Jonah: You don't just attack someone for no reason.
Tom: If I was schizophrenic, I might.
Jonah: Schizophrenics hear voices.
Tom: I hear music. Does that count?
Steve: You got secrets; so, the way I see it, we have us a… blackmail Mexican standoff. You try to ruin my life, I WILL ruin yours. I like that. It's a balance of power. Takes us back to the way we were before. We can just go on ignoring each other.
Tom: Yeah, but it's not balanced. I'll tell everyone that you're Max Stone.
Steve: Yeah, and I will tell your mom about the Devil's music.
Tom: Well… I'll tell everyone you tried to touch me.
Steve: Get out!
Tom: [from outside] Someone, help! It's a peedo!
Steve: „Pedo,” retard.