A film két szomszédot követ, akik miután szemtanúi lesznek egy paranormális eseménynek összefognak, hogy dokumentumfilmet készítsenek róla.
Something in the Dirt (2022) 4★
Képek 38
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 10
Kiemelt értékelések
A rendezo paros eddigi filmjeit nagyon birtam; es bar egyik sem volt konnyu darab, ezt most egyszeruen nem tudom hova tenni. Semmi de semmi kapaszkodot nem talaltam benne, egyszeruen egy faraszto ketoras hablatynak ereztem.
Nem csillagozom be kivetelesen, mert fenntartom az eselyet, hogy az en szurkeallomanyom nem volt eleg ehhez a műhöz; de egyebkent azt gondolom, hogy ez most egesz egyszeruen nagyon melle ment…
Két bolond beszélgetése.
Ezt a filmet ki kell pihennem. A rendező páros miatt néztem csak végig és nem hagytam abba 20 perc után.
Népszerű idézetek
-…but that was the day I learned that it's like, yeah, there's a lot of good sushi places in Los Angeles, but I don't fuck with lobster rolls. Lobsters are intelligent creatures.
– There's this thing called Jerusalem syndrome. It's when people go to that city for the first time in the modern day, they get the sense that their whole life led to that moment.
– Cats, there are these parasites that you can get from cats that actually mind control humans. That's totally real. You can look it up. There's cats all around our buildings so we can totally have these parasites. They might be using these parasites to control us.
– Were you quoting Dan Brown books right now?
– What?
– I'm not making a Da Vinci Code documentary.
– No, Jesus, no, it's just a ratio. It's not exactly the Fibonacci sequence or pi or the golden ratio or whatever. It's just an irrational number with infinite decimals out to infinity. There are millions of irrational numbers. This is common in the world and in math.
– You know it's insanely weird that you give apples to kids for Halloween. Actually you know what's weird is that their parents don't just check the sex offender registry before they send them marching up to your door. You know, they're gonna check those apples for razors though.
– The OD across the way was originally reported as a murder and parents still bring their children there. I don't think they're worried about the guy who peed on a wall.
– I heard a little buzz and I'm walking home, walking up Sunset. There's all these people who are getting ready for some big, dirty crazy night out. And you kind of feel the energy of it. And the Santa Ana winds are blowing and I look over and it's another coyote. He's looking right through me like I'm a ghost. And then he just trots off down Sunset Boulevard, that big old coyote smile. And no one talks about like those moments in Los Angeles. People talk about the traffic. People talk about everything else, everything they can complain about, but they never talk about like those magical LA moments.
– I was out with this guy one time on one of the apps and we're talking about all the ways that the world could end. I mean, we're all gonna die, right? We're so fixated on not dying, but it's all gonna happen to us, so what's the big deal? I mean, what's even the big deal with…with like genocides. And then the conversation naturally led to my church and people get all binary when they hear the word evangelical, so…I mean, people use this phrase to give themselves peace. „This too shall pass,” right? But you can just say, „This too shall end.” It's the same sentiment, the world's ending for sure. Right? So why even worry?
– Well, why can't it be a group like the Freemasons or the Moose Lodge or…What's the…? The one that's on the scarification all the time. It's the… the Rose Croutons.
– The Rose Croutons? Oh, the Rosicrucians?
– How's that?
– That was great. I really liked the accent.
– Was I doing an accent?
– No, it sounds like a Hobbit. It was awesome.
– Should we retake it?
– No, we're great,…