VIII. Henrik angol király hat felesége zenekart alapít, hogy lehetőségük legyen kicsit máshogy elmesélni a történetüket, mint ahogy az a könyvekben szerepel. Úgy döntenek, a csapatuk frontembere az lesz, aki a legtöbbet szenvedett a házassága alatt: versenyt indítanak tehát, amiben elmondják,… [tovább]
Kedvencelte 3
Várólistára tette 40
Kiemelt értékelések
Six (2020) 94%
Őszintén, ha meg kell mondanom, hogy melyik a leginkább girlpower film, amit valaha láttam, akkor egészen biztos, hogy ez a musical nyerne. Rengeteg humorral, lazasággal, zenével beszél arról, hogy mit is jelent nőnek lenni, miközben nagyon is szomorú és drámai néhol: kiválaszt hat nőt, akikről a legtöbben csak annyit tudnak, hogy kettőtől elvált, kettőt pedig lefejeztetett ugyanaz a király, a másik kettőből pedig egy meghalt, egynek meg volt olyan szerencséje, hogy tovább élt a férjénél. És megmutatja, hogy senkit nem lehet ennyivel leírni, senkit nem szabad, hogy meghatározzon egyetlen iszonyú ember, és iszonyú kapcsolat.
Maga az alaphelyzet igencsak abszurd: VIII. Henrik hat felesége alapít egy bandát, de nem tudják eldönteni, ki legyen a frontember. Minthogy az egyetlen közös bennük a férjük, ezért arra jutnak, az a legjobb kiindulópont, ha megnézik, melyikük szenvedett tőle a legtöbbet… tehát mind kapnak egy egy szólót, amiben elmesélik a történetüket. Annak ellenére, hogy nekem a nagy kedvencem az egyértelműen Anna of Cleves lett, aki gyakorlatilag csak bevonul felvágni a pénzzel, amit a válásból nyert, színészileg mindenképp az Anne Boleyn-t játszó Andrea Macasaetet, és a Katherine Howardot alakító Samantha Pauly-t emelném ki. Az előbbi a laza, kicsit zakkant, azt az igazi nagyszájú „szociális pillangó” karaktert hozza, aki szeret a középpontban lenni, és megvan a stílusa és az esze hozzá, a második pedig olyan érzékenységgel adja át a kihasznált és bántalmazott kamaszlányt, aki tényleg semmi másra nem vágyik, csak hogy valaki lássa meg benne az embert, hogy az félelmetes – az All you wanna do végén gyakorlatilag folytak a könnyeim.
Zeneileg döbbenetesen jó az egész, fülbemászó, hol dinamikus, hol egészen lassú számok váltják egymást, és mindegyik egyedi, a koreográfiák hozzájuk pedig nagyon jól átgondoltak, ismételten, hol humorosak, hol pedig kifejezőek és sötétek.
És annak ellenére, hogy amúgy dráma is, van egy hihetetlen pozitív üzenete az egésznek: az, hogy nem a nemeden múlik, hogy elérheted-e amit akarsz, és megtalálhatod a boldogságot. Lehet, hogy számodra ez a család, vagy a szerelem, de az is, hogy a siker, a tanulás, a hírnév, a pénz: a lényeg, hogy nem mondhatja neked senki, hogy nem vagy képes rá.
Népszerű idézetek
Jane Seymour: And what hurts more, than a broken heart?
Anne Boleyn: A severed head.
Six (2020) 94%
Anne Boleyn: Okay, let's check in with the competition. Who would win? The devoted wife? *points at Jane Seymour* The divorcee? *points at Catherine of Aragon* Or the one who actually had problems to deal with? *points at herself*
Jane Seymour: My son had to deal with the loss of his mother!
Anne Boleyn: Yeah, kind of how my body had to deal with the loss of it's head.
Six (2020) 94%
Catherine Of Aragon:
He got down on one knee
But I said „No way!”
Packed my bags
And moved into a
Joined the gospel choir
Our riffs were on fire
At the top of the charts
Is where I'm gonna stay
Anne Boleyn:
Henry sent me a poem
All about my green sleeves
I changed a couple words
Put it on a sick beat
The song blew their minds
Next minute I was signed
And now I'm writing lyrics
For Shakesy P
Jane Seymour:
Since my first son
Our family's grown
We made a band
And got quite well known
You could perhaps call us
The Tudor Von Trapps
I'm just kidding
We're called the
Royalling Stones
We're one of a kind
No category
Too many years
Lost in history
We're free to take
Our crowning glory
For five more minutes
We're SIX!
Anna Of Cleves:
What a shame
Yeah, my face
It cost me the crown
So I moved to the
Haus Of Holbein!
In my hometown
His mates were super arty
But I showed them how to party
Now on my tour of Prussia
Everybody „Gets down”
Katherine Howard:
Music man tried it on
And I was like „Bye!”
So I thought „Who needs him?
I can give it a try”
I learned everything
Now all I do is sing
And I'll do that until I die
Catherine Parr:
Heard all about these rockin' chicks
Loved every song
And each remix
So I went out and found them
And we laid down an album
Now „I don't need your love”
All I need is SIX!
We're one of a kind
No category
Too many years
Lost in his story
We're free to take
Our crowning glory
For five more minutes
We're SIX!
Woah, woah
We're SIX!
Woooah, we're SIX
Woah, woah
For five more minutes
It's the end of the show
Of the historemix
We switched up the flow
And we changed the prefix
Everybody knows
That we used to be six wives
But we want to say
Before we drop the curtain
Nothing is for sure
Nothing is for certain
All that we know is that
We used to be six wives
But now we're one of a kind
No category
Too many years
Lost in history
We're free to take
Our crowning glory
For five more minutes…
We're one of a kind
No category
Too many years
Lost in history
We're free to take
Our crowning glory
For five more minutes
We're SIX!
Woah, woah
We're SIX!
Woooah, we're SIX
Woah, woah
For five, four, three
Two, one more minute
We're SIX!
Six (2020) 94%
Anna of Cleves: Guys, I have the plague! No, I'm just kiddin', my life's amazing.
Six (2020) 94%
Jane Seymour:
You've got a good heart
But I know it changes
A restless tide, untameable
You came my way
And I knew a storm could come too
You'd lift me high, or let me fall
But I took your hand
Promised I'd withstand
Any blaze you blew my way
'Cause something inside
It solidified
And I knew I'd always stay
You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakable
When the fire's burnt
When the wind has blown
When the water's dried
You'll still find stone
My heart of stone
You say we're perfect
A perfect family
You hold us close for the world to see
And when I say you're the only one I've ever loved
I mean those words truthfully
But I know, without my son
Your love could disappear
And though it isn't fair
But I don't care
'Cause my love will still be here
You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakable
When the fire's burnt
When the wind has blown
When the water's dried
You'll still find stone
My heart of stone
Soon I'll have to go
I'll never see him grow
But I hope my son will know
He'll never be alone
'Cause like a river runs dry
And leaves its scars behind
I'll be by your side
'Cause my love is set in stone
You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakable
The fire's burnt
The wind has blown
The water's dried
Jane Seymour:
You'll still find stone
My heart of stone
You can build me up
You can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best
But I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakable
The fire's burnt
The wind has blown
The water's dried
Jane Seymour:
You'll still find stone
My heart of stone
Six (2020) 94%
Katherine Howard: Isn't there a bigger problem here?
Catherine of Aragon: The dissolution of the monasteries?
Katherine Howard: I'm talking about us!
Six (2020) 94%
Jane Seymour: They say Henry was stonehearted. Uncaring. And I am not sure he was…
Anne Boleyn: Yeah, there was this one really cute time, when I had a daughter and he chopped my head off.
Six (2020) 94%
Anna of Cleves: Well… I guess you already know what happened next. How I came to England, hopeful… summoned after the king saw my portrait and how my looks didn't live up to his expectations. I mean, it's the usual story. The savvy, educated young princess deemed repulsive by the wheezing, wrinkled, ulcerated old man 24 years her senior! Rejection! Rejection from a king! How can someone overcome a fate as devastating as being forced to move into a splendid palace in Richmond? With more money than I could ever spend in a lifetime! And not a single man around to tell me what to do with it! I mean seriously… just… *grins* tragic.
Six (2020) 94%
Katherine Howard: Catherine… almost moving into a nunnery and then not! That almost could have been really hard for you.
Six (2020) 94%
Catherine Parr: For a bit of context, I had my fair share of marriages. Something Henry and I had in common, I guess. Though unlike him, I managed to get through them without decapitating anyone. I know, gold star for Catherine Parr. But the thing is, they had this really annoying habit of passing away. So, as well as having to deal with, you know, incapacitating grief, I also had to keep finding new husbands to avoid being ostracized. Yeah. True to womanhood. Would recommend…