Rokudenashi (1960) 1

Good-for-Nothing · ろくでなし
88' · japán · akció, krimi

Yoshida első játékfilmje fiatal diákok életét követi nyomon, a háttében jazz, üresség és unalom. A cselekmény meglehetősen egyszerű: egy szegény családból származó „semmirekellő” beleszeret gazdag barátja apjának fiatal titkárnőjébe. A nő érez benne valami jót, és megpróbálja a helyes útra terelni.

Képek 10


Tsugawa MasahikoJun
Takachiho HizuruIkuko
Kawazu YusukeToshio
Yamashita JunichiroMorishita
Mishima MasaoKitajima Kensaku
Yasui ShojiMakino Shinichi
Chino KakukoMakino Hisako
Sasaki IsaoÉnekes
Hayashi Yosuke
Watanabe Fumio

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Népszerű idézetek


– So she's your girlfriend?
– I have nothing to do with her. Akiyama invited her.
– I forgot.You're not interested in girls.
– I'm not interested in anything.


– Girls are no fun.
– It's the same with boys.
– Yes, you're right. Humans are no fun.


– In life, you must be happy with what you have.


– Otherwise, if men were basically good, they wouldn't start these unneccesary wars.


– You see, I honestly believe that all men are wolves.


– I still have all the refrigerator bills to pay.
– Yes, and you still haven't finished paying off the TV.
– Why bother working? I don't even know why I exist.
– Maybe for this glass of beer. This expensive beer.


– Why don't you go to America? You could.
– Everywhere is the same.


– I'm going back to Tokyo.
– To do what? That dirty place wasn't made for humans.


– Don't do anything stupid with it…This gun has a criminal record. Shoot yourself in the head if you want, that's all.


– Rich folk only watch the spectacle. They don't get involved.

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