Idézetek 87
Torres: Bocsánat, de mit hagytam ki?
Knight: Tűzőgépet öltem.
Torres: Velem is előfordult már.
Kasie: És a második kérdés az, hogy hogyhogy nem láttad a Casino-t, hm?
Palmer: Korhatáros.
Kasie: Atyaég!
Palmer: Egy csillag sem ragyog sötét nélkül. Senki sem immunis a szenvedésre. Senki. De… a jó hír, hogy az olyanok, mint mi, elviselik.
Kasie: Tényleg?
Palmer: Még szép, hisz tovább kell ragyognunk!
Bishop: Hey, Gibbs. What's rule 91?
Gibbs: Oh, You're living it.
Bishop: Remind me.
Gibbs: When you decide to walk away, don't look back.
Fornell: [elcsíp pár drótot] Oké, mehet! Kamerák kilőve.
Torres: Honnét tud ennyit a biztonsági rendszerről?
Fornell: Youtube.
Torres: [meglepetten] Honnan tud a Yotube-ról?
When I die, give what’s left of me away
To children and old men that wait to die.
And if you need to cry,
Cry for your brother or sister
Who walk the street beside you.
And when you need me,
Put your arms around anyone
And give them what you need to give to me.
I want to leave you something,
Something better than words or sounds.
Look for me in the people I’ve known or loved.
And if you cannot give me away,
At least let me live on your eyes
And not on your mind.
You can love me most
By letting hands touch hands,
By letting bodies touch bodies,
And by letting go of children that need to be free.
Love doesn’t die, people do.
So, when all that’s left of me is love,
Give me away.
Ziva: Liat is one of the most common names in Israel.
Liat: Where only the grandmothers are named Ziva.
McGee: So what brings you to D.C.?
Malachi: The cherry blossoms.
McGee: That's in the spring, actually.
Tony: I'm afraid all we have to offer in November are elections and pardoned turkeys. I really like those boots, Liat. Not speaking too fast for you, am I?
Liat: I understand. You're very, uh… tongue-in-ear.
Ziva: She means tongue-in-cheek.
Tony: Don't put words in the girl's mouth.