A stáb 2 napot és 1 éjszakát tölt olyan híres, koreai emberek otthonában, akik hosszú évek alatt bizonyítottak. Ő a Mester, akivel az együtt töltött idő alatt a vendégek megismerik életét, szokásait, hogy tanuljanak belőle.
Jibsabuilche (Master In The House 1.) (2017–2022) 0★
Képek 18
Várólistára tette 9
Népszerű idézetek
Zhang Fei: „Do you know how to catch a chicken?”
Seung Gi: „A chicken?”
Zhang Fei: „Yes”
Sang Yoon: „A live chicken?”
Zhang Fei: „Of course. Who catches a dead chicken?”
Se Hyung (Sang Yoon-nak): Your house is so clean that you look like a psycopath.
Cha In Pyo , miután az elhunyt öccséről mesélt:
„I never got to express my love to him. So i decided , in the future if there's something i want to say to anyone, if there's someone i want to meet and if there's something i want to do, I should Never delay it. Never. Never delay it no matter what happens. ”
Se Hyung: You didn't make it up? This is his actual life, right?
Seung Gi: He wakes up at 4am. If he wakes up at 4am…
Sang Yoon: He wakes up at 4am and sleeps 8pm?!
Seung Gi: I'm more surprised at the fact that he sleeps at 8pm. Hey, not even soldiers can do that!
[a Mester még nincs otthon, a műsor szereplői nem nagyon tudják, mitévők legyenek addig a házban]
Seung Gi: I think we should do something like doing dishes. How about washing dishes?
Sung Jae: Yes.
Seung Gi: I think we should do this, right? Let's just do the dishes. You want it or not?
Se Hyung: Look, we should consider about it carefully. We were not even ordered to do it. He might not like us to touch anything.
Seung Gi: ….. then… how about doing just some? :D
[Egész nap egyszer ettek, délben vmi rice crust-ot – és kiderül, hogy ugyanaz lesz a vacsora is… :D]
Seung Gi: I think it's tougher here than in the special force.
[Lee Seung Gi könyvet olvas este lefekvés előtt]
Seung Gi: „There's no gap in history.” This sounds cool. I should use it… „There's no gap in history.” Hm, it's nice….
[Seung Gi lazán rágcsál valamit, amíg körülnéznek az ismeretlen házban]
Se Hyung: What are you eating?
Seung Gi: Crust of overcooked rice.
Se Hyung: How could you?!
Seung Gi: I picked just a little. Do you want some?
Se Hyung: No, no way. I won't eat it.
Seung Gi: How about eating it all and cleaning up?
Sung Jae: No…
Seung Gi (teli szájjal): He put this here to eat while looking around at ease.
[A Mester lerajzolta Se Hyung-ot, aki nem túl elégedett a végeredménnyel…]
Sang Yoon (nevetve felmutatja a rajzot): This means… he hates you!
Se Hyung: My eyes look bad too!
Sang Yoon: You don't have a nose!!! :D
Sung Jae: But if he signs his name… „Jeon In Kwon” underneath it, it will be an artwork.
Seung Gi: … that's why I don't understand art at all.
Se Hyung: I don't know much, but I know that that's not art.
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