A film Munch életének mintegy harminc évét öleli fel, és a művészetét alakító hatásokra, különösen a családjában bekövetkezett tragédiákra, valamint egy férjes asszonnyal folytatott ifjúkori viszonyára összpontosít.
Edvard Munch (1974) 4★
Képek 29
Várólistára tette 20
Népszerű idézetek
– There are 300 police officers in the city of Kristiania. Amongst their principal duties, the control of venereal disease. It's the bourgeoisie who gain from prostitution. Yet bourgeois morals do not allow it to exist: „Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
– I'm so restless at night. I can't sleep. I have such dreadful dreams. I sleepwalk. I have such a longing to come to you. I do so like the dark. I can't stand the light.
– Why are you so set on becoming a great painter? You're going to die anyway. Then you'll be gone.
– What a ridiculous dream it has been all these years. A great painter…It's better than being a doctor. But, compared to a king, it's nothing. And a king is no more than a tiny microbe.
– It provokes the bourgeoisie who live their cosy, false life. It provokes them to see free women. Everything outside the fence they have raised around themselves is so terrifying for them except perhaps in their dreams, when they indulge in fantasies. But, because I live openly and freely, I think they become terrified.
– I remember something Munch once said a couple of years ago. He had discovered that the Greeks regarded death as blue. It says somewhere in The Iliad, „Blue death closes his eyes.” Here in the Grey gloomy North, Munch said, „we see death as black. But in sunny Hellas they regard it as blue. Why shouldn't it be blue?”
– Two lovers, their faces dissolved together, featureless lurk in the comer of a room. Perspective has vanished. Broken, slashing strokes of thin paint. The breakthrough has begun.
– I walked along the road with two friends. The sun went down. I felt it like a melancholy sigh. Suddenly the sky became blood red. I stopped. I leaned against the fence, tired to death. I saw the flaming sky like blood, like a sword over the fjord and the town. My friends continued on. I stood there shaking in anguish. I felt it like a great endless scream through nature.