Bildmakarna (2000) 1

The Image Makers
100' · svéd, dán, finn · dráma

Victor Sjöström, a némafilmes korszak svéd filmrendezője és Selma Lagerlöf, az első nő, aki irodalmi Nobel-díjat kapott, találkozása.

svéd · angol

Képek 24


Anita BjörkSelma Lagerlöf
Elin KlingaTora Teje
Lennart HjulströmVictor Sjöström
Carl Magnus DellowJulius Jaenzon
Henry 'Nypan' Nyberg

Várólistára tette 1

Népszerű idézetek


– It might be lovely, though. Wouldn't it be great if life were like that? That most things only took place in your imagination. You could be with everyone. You could be everywhere, and be with any number of different people. You could be there for everyone.
– Actually, I pictured myself as being the only one.
– It would be like when you and Victor make movies and I'm up there on the silver screen for everyone to possess, without having to do it. Life would be like the movies.


Vigyázat! Felnőtt tartalom.

Selma Lagerlöf: Then I would like to screw around like a chimpanzee.

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