Bachmann tanár úr és az osztálya (2021) 3

Mr. Bachmann and His Class · Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse
217' · német · dokumentumfilm 12

Az érzékeny és bensőséges dokumentumfilm egy rendkívüli németországi tanár, Dieter Bachmann és az osztályába járó, bevándorló hátterű diákok mindennapjait mutatja be egy decemberi reggeltől kezdve a júniusi ballagásig. A gyerekek között van orosz, erdélyi, olasz, török és bolgár származású is,… [tovább]

német · magyar, német

Képek 13


Dieter Bachmannönmaga
Aynur Balönmaga
Önder Cavdarönmaga

Várólistára tette 32

Népszerű idézetek


– My ex-wife was a psychologist. She had a professor who researched at what age teenagers, children have sex for the first time. And he found out that intelligent children,
he does intelligence research, do that very late. So the more intelligent you are, the later you do it with a girl or a boy…So, children with a high IQ normally have sex later than those with a low IQ.


– How do you say it in Turkish? Ilknur, you said you feel at home in Turkey. But you don't know what 'homeland' is in Turkish?
– 'Vatan!'
– Enough! Next time raise your hand. Cengizhan?
– 'Vatan.'
– Right. It's 'vatan' in Turkish.
– I felt the same way at your age. I was born and raised here. Like lots of you. And I often felt like a stranger here when I was your age. But I didn't always feel at home in Turkey either.
That's why I always wondered: Where do I belong?
– You've been in Germany over 30 years?
– 35 years to be exact.


– These grades don't reflect who you are at all. They're only snapshots of kind of unimportant
things like math and English. What's much more important is that you're all terrific kids and youngsters. You're all really honest. Remain true to yourselves. It's not so important whether good or bad. So, my dears…Bye!

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