Anselm (2023) 1

Anselm - Das Rauschen der Zeit
93' · német · dokumentumfilm

Hitler bukása előtt két hónappal született Anselm Kiefer, az ünnepelt német művész, aki hazája romjai között nőtt fel. Németország nemzeti mítoszai iránti vonzalmát a múlt és a jelen összefonódásában érjük tetten, ahogy ezzel párhuzamosan Wim Wenders dokumentumfilmjében a film és a képzőművészet… [tovább]

német · angol

Képek 50


Anselm Kieferönmaga
Daniel Kieferfiatalabb Anselm Kiefer
Anton Wendersgyerek Anselm Kiefer
Joseph Beuysönmaga (archív felvételek)
Paul Celanönmaga (archív felvételek)
Martin Heideggerönmaga (archív felvételek)
Ingeborg Bachmannönmaga (archív felvételek)

Várólistára tette 17

Népszerű idézetek


– The history or the wars that are happening nowadays, are impossible to understand by rational means. Such absurd and impossible things happen there, no one can grasp them with pure logic or reason.


– You were accused of your way of dealing with history, now you are accused of escaping into myth. How do you feel about this contradiction?
– There's no such thing as 'escaping into the myth'. Because the myth is present. Myths represent another way of understanding history, beyond the simply rational.


– People search for lightness, because they shy away from burdens, the abyss. Fundamentally, they don't want to see it. That's why this lightness exists. If you take a look at the entire history of the world, the geological, cosmological history, then what we are is not even a drop in the rain. We're less than a drop, we are an atom. Then you can obviously say: 'We are very light'. The unbearable lightness of being…Being is an absolute part of Nothing. Or you could also say that Nothing is part of Being. They are tied together, there is always a simultaneity, no chronology. That's reassuring, of course, because if you plan something big, then you know that failure is already part of it.


– Childhood is an empty space like the beginning of the world.

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