A szerelem dicsérete (2001) 3

In Praise of Love · Éloge de l'amour
97' · francia, svájci · dráma 12

Jean-Luc Godard, a francia új hullám vezéregyénisége nem csak a hatvanas évek nagy korszakának volt meghatározó alakja, de mostanában készült filmjei is olyan izgalmasak, frissek és újszerűek, mint korábbi munkái.
A szerelem dicsérete nem a klasszikus értelemben vett szerelmes film, hanem… [tovább]

francia · angol

Képek 54


Bruno PutzuluEdgar
Cecile CampElle
Jean DavyNagyapa
Françoise VernyNagymama
Jérémy LippmannPerceval
Audrey KlebanerEglantine
Claude BaignièresMr. Rosenthal
Rémo ForlaniForlani
Mark HunterAmerikai újságíró
Jean LacoutureTörténész

További szereplők

Várólistára tette 5

Népszerű idézetek


– We make fun of 1900 but our age will probably seem just as ridiculous.
– And maybe just as charming.


– Yes, the obligations of memory.
– No, the right. Memory has no obligations. Read Bergson.


Perceval: Why run after something you have already? In a word, you're too lovely to be desired, and I placed you too high for you to satisfy me. I love you, you're mine. But since you're mine I don't have to see you.
– You see what's going on?
Perceval: Yes.
– And you?
Eglantine: Yes.
– Could you say that to the person you love?
Perceval: Yes.
– Would you accept it from someone you love?
Eglantine: No.
– That's why Eglantine and Perceval broke up.


– My grandfather, 3 years ago…You asked why he still belonged to the Communist Party. He would never say "women,” he would say, "persons of sex.” Good, I made you laugh. Yes, true. We can never know what a thought is all about. You win. I was smiling. Say it again, slowly? "Every thought should recall the debris of a smile.”


– Not very cheerful here.
– Happiness is never cheerful.
– You didn't make that up.
– No, sir. It was Max Ophuls.


– Know the origin of the word „OK”? One of your generals, during the Civil War, used it in his report: "0 killed.”


– Today, in all films girls must undress and roll all over their lovers.


– I'm thinking about something. When I think about something, in fact, I'm thinking of something else. You can only think about something if you think of something else. For instance, I see a landscape that is new to me but it's new to me because I mentally compare it to another landscape, an older one, one that I knew.

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