Yoon Hyun Ho

Forgatókönyvíró 4

Gungeomsa Doberman (2022–2022)
Military Prosecutor Doberman / Military Prosecutor Do Bae Man · 군검사 도베르만
Moobeob Byeonhosa (2018–2018)
Lawless Lawyer / Lawless Attorney · 무법 변호사
Titkos küldetés Szöulban (2017)
Confidential Assignment · 공조 (Gongjo)

Író 2

Remember – Adeului Jeonjaeng (2015–2016)
Remember - War of the Son · 리멤버 – 아들의 전쟁
Az ügyvéd (2013)
The Attorney / The Counsel · 변호인 / Byeonhoin