Portraits 12703

Kyun Mi Ri dél-koreai

1964. szeptember 19. (Szöul, Dél-Korea) –

Teljes név견미리 / Kyeon Mi Ri


Lee Da In

Képek 12


Szerepei 10

Pyeonuijeom Saetbyeoli (2020–2020)
Convenience Store Saet Byeol / Backstreet Rookie · 편의점 샛별이
Kim Hye Ja
Byeonhyeokui Sarang (2017–2017)
Revolutionary Love / Byun Hyuk's Love · 변혁의 사랑
Jung Yeo Jin
Dashi Mannan Segye (2017–2017)
Reunited Worlds · 다시 만난 세계
Son Myung Ok
Minyeo Gongsimi (2016–2016)
Dear Fair Lady Kong Shim / Beautiful Gong Shim · 미녀 공심이
Yum Tae Hee
Gajokggiri Wae Irae (2014–2015)
What Happens to My Family? / What's With This Family? · 가족끼리 왜 이래
Heo Yang Geum
Wonderful Mama (2013–2013)
원더풀 마마
Kim Yeong Yi
Oktabbang Wangseja (2012–2012)
Rooftop Prince · 옥탑방 왕세자
Boo Yong anyja
A korona hercege (2007–2008)
Lee San / Wind of the Palace / Yi San - King Jeong Jo · 이산 (Yi San)
Hye Kyeong úrnő
Jumong (2006–2007)
Legend of the Prince / Prince of the Legend / The Book of Three Han: The Chapter of Joo Mong · 주몽
Won Hoo
A palota ékköve (2003–2004)
Jewel in the Palace / Great Jang Geum · 대장금 (Dae Jang Geum)
Choi udvarhölgy