Szerepei 12
Mrs. Durian / / Miss Durian /The Fairy Durian / Durian Fairy / Lady Durian / Durian's Affair · 아씨두리안 (Seonnyeo Durian)
Seoul Vibe / Seoul Grand Operation / Operation Seoul National University · 서울대작전 (Seouldaejagjeon)
Kim Yoon Jae titkárnő
Kim Yoon Jae titkárnő
Touch Your Heart / Reach of Sincerity / It Feels Sincere / The Reach of Sincerity · 진심이 닿다
Lee Joo Young
Lee Joo Young
My Lawyer, Mr. Jo 2 / The Neighbourhood Attorney Jo Deul Ho 2 / Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-Ho 2 · 동네변호사 조들호 2
Kim Da Woon
Kim Da Woon