Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023) 26

Az emberiség végéről szóló, tabukat áthágó stand-up előadásában Ricky Gervais elénk tárja ellentmondásos gondolatait a politikai korrektségről és a túlérzékenységről.

angol · angol

Képek 9


Ricky Gervaisönmaga

Várólistára tette 14

Kiemelt értékelések


Imádom Rickyt, rettentően sajnálom hogy ezt az előadást nem tudtuk élőben mgnézni, nem véletlenül volt sold out mindenhol!

Népszerű idézetek


You have a thought, and it goes, „I'm a thought!”, and you go, „Ah, fuck, I thought of that”. And then sometimes the thought will go, „Now say it!”, and I say it, and… Netflix.


My auntie died of Alzheimer's. Um, I don't know how you die of Alzheimer's. She forgot to live.


We don't really understand the mechanism of human evolution since civilization, because it's never been based on, you now, survival of the fittest, where „fittest” meant just the biggest, strongest male gets to pass on his genetic material. There's other paradigms, right? Nature is brutal. Sometimes it is the biggest, strongest male that gets the female, and even then, she has a litter, if there's a runt, she goes, „Fuck it, kill that. Eat it. Share it amongst the rest of us.” Now we don't do that in human society. We go the other way. We spend more time, care and attention on the weak and vulnerable to give 'em a chance.


„How will it survive?” "Ah, it's got the best brain in the animal kingdom. It'll work stuff out. It'll create weaponry to take down beasts a hundred times mightier than itself. It'll wear their carcasses through the Ice Age. It'll go through famine. It'll go through world wars. It'll eventually start getting scared of words."


There's nothing out there, you know? Now you can do space tourism. Have you heard of that? You can pay a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, they shoot you into space for an hour, and you float around going, „I'm in space!” We're already in space! Earth is right in the fucking middle of space, right? It's the best bit of space there is.

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