A Költő visszatekint életére és munkásságára, felidézve inspirációit és rögeszméit.
Orfeusz végrendelete (1960) 3★
79' · francia · fantasy, életrajzi
Képek 20
Várólistára tette 9
Népszerű idézetek
– You smoke?
– Certainly. So as to smoke in 1770…I had to invent the cigarette. They told me it was ridiculous and would never catch on.
– What is a film?
– A film is a petrifying source of thought. It brings dead acts to life. It makes it possible to give…apparent reality to the unreal.
– What is unreal?
– What is beyond our limits.
– So there are people like a sleeping invalid dreaming they are healthy.
– Excellent definition of a poet.
– And what is a poet?
– One who, by making poems…uses a language neither alive nor dead which few people speak…and few understand.
– And why do they speak this language?
– To get in touch with their peers in a world where exhibitionism consists of revealing one's soul and is carried on by the blind.
– Lazarus didn't smell too good either. There's even a painting in which Martha and Mary cover their noses.