Anne ügyvédnő, férjével, Pierre-rel és lányaikkal él. Fokozatosan szenvedélyes kapcsolatba kerül Theóval, Pierre előző házasságából származó fiával, ami veszélybe sodorja karrierjét és családi életét.
L'été dernier (2023) 2★
Képek 12
Várólistára tette 2
Népszerű idézetek
Ódor_Endre 1 hozzászólás
Anne: When I was 14…I was secretly in love with a friend of my mother's. I thought he was so elegant. And at the same time I described in my diary relentlessly his wrinkles. His thin, parchment skin. As if he were already dead. As if he disintegrated. Unrelenting. Toward death. I was disgusted. And at the same time, I was fascinated. Do you know how old he was? 33. I saw him as a near corpse. Imagine.
Pierre: And how do you see your old man?
Anne: I'm a gerontophile, you know that. A body that has lived and no longer no longer has the firmness of youth emotes me. I find that touching.