L'été dernier (2023) 2

Last Summer
104' · francia · dráma, thriller

0 díj · 4 jelölés

Anne ügyvédnő, férjével, Pierre-rel és lányaikkal él. Fokozatosan szenvedélyes kapcsolatba kerül Theóval, Pierre előző házasságából származó fiával, ami veszélybe sodorja karrierjét és családi életét.


Képek 12


Léa DruckerAnne
Samuel KircherThéo
Olivier RabourdinPierre
Clotilde CourauMina
Serena HuSerena
Angela ChenAngela
Romain MaricauLucas
Nelia Da CostaAmanda
Lila-Rose GilbertiSara Evrard
Jean-Christophe PilloixEvrard

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Anne: When I was 14…I was secretly in love with a friend of my mother's. I thought he was so elegant. And at the same time I described in my diary relentlessly his wrinkles. His thin, parchment skin. As if he were already dead. As if he disintegrated. Unrelenting. Toward death. I was disgusted. And at the same time, I was fascinated. Do you know how old he was? 33. I saw him as a near corpse. Imagine.
Pierre: And how do you see your old man?
Anne: I'm a gerontophile, you know that. A body that has lived and no longer no longer has the firmness of youth emotes me. I find that touching.

1 hozzászólás

– Do you miss Geneva?
– Geneva sucks. So do the people. All money wolves.

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