Miután szakított barátnőjével, Koh elhagyja Tokiót, hogy lenyugodjon egy kicsit. Az úton találkozik Miyokóval , akit úgy tűnik, jobban vonz a motorja, mint ő maga…
Kare no Motorbike, Kanojo no Shima (1986) 2★
Képek 10
Kedvencelte 2
Várólistára tette 4
Népszerű idézetek
– I want us to be the wind.
– Miiyo. . .And the two of us became the wind. This is what I believed: She wasn't just a girl. The island wasn't just an island. She was the island. And at that time I became a motorbike. She was me at that moment. And I was her. We were the same person. As we played around by splitting off onto different paths I felt that it was the truth.
– Why'd you break up with a great girl like her?
– It was boring. All she knew was crying and cooking.
– Thought I'd put on a record, but you don't have anything good. Why do you only have Chopin?