Isteni komédia (1995) 2

A Comédia de Deus
170' · francia, olasz, dán, portugál · vígjáték, művészfilm

Joao de Deus életét két dolog határozza meg. Egyik a munkája a Paradicsomi Fagyibárban, ahol mindenki megelégedésére kikísérletezi a ház specialitását, a híres paradicsomfagyit. A másik az otthona, ahol egyedül tölti szabadidejét elmerengve hódításain. Egyik nap felcsábítja lakására a sarki… [tovább]


Képek 7


João César MonteiroJoão de Deus
Cláudia TeixeiraJoaninha
Manuela de FreitasJudite
Gracinda NaveFelícia
Nuno Lopes

Várólistára tette 3

Népszerű idézetek


– Come here, Alexandra. You've got a spot on your overall.
– It’s not my period, it's strawberry.


– A pubic hair belonging to Queen Victoria. God shave the Queen.


– What a pity this isn't a sin.
– According to Stendhal an Italian princess made the same complain in the 17th century.
– It’s all a question of education.


– Canon Saraiva, an old friend, who was kind enough to come from Braga, in a precarious state of health, to bless our ceremony.
– One who has blessed bombs, my dear, is making no sacrifice in blessing a delicious ice-cream.


– l know that l could never be a politician, and add to the procession of bastards who use and abuse humanity, bringing them to their knees, a state more suited to reptiles.


– My father says, ”What doesn't kill you makes you fat.


– Quer que lhe guarde a caquinha, senhor Joăo?
– Năo. Tudo o que é de mais cheira mal.

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