Egy hősies fiatalember megmenti a hölgyet a gonosztól, majd hazaviszi őt az Oldsmobilján.
In My Merry Oldsmobile (1931) 3★
Képek 2
Billy Murray | Lucille / fiatal Johnny Steel / kórus / narrátor (hang) |
Gus Wickie | Tom (hang) |
Várólistára tette 3
Kiemelt értékelések
Nagyon bírom ennek a korszaknak a rajzfilmjeit, ezt a különös karikásan gumiszerű mozgást.
Ezt a mesét (annak ellenére, hogy klasszikusnak számít) viszont csak most láttam először.
Ha jól tudom, maga a címadó dal 1905-ből származik és ehhez készített animációt és sing alone lehetőséget a Fleischer Studios.
Az autókat szeretem, a dallam az éneklős részre fülben volt, tehát 10.
(És mókásan pajzán…:P)
Népszerű idézetek
Billy Murray: In My Merry Oldsmobile
Young Johnnie Steele has an Oldsmobile. He loves a dear little girl.
She is the queen of his gas machine. She has his heart in a whirl.
Now when they go for a spin, you know, she tries to learn his auto, so
He lets her steer while he gets her ear, and whispers soft and low;
Come away with me Lucile in my merry Oldsmobile
Down the road of life we'll fly automo-bubbling you and I.
To the church we'll swiftly steal, then our wedding bells will peal,
You can go as far you like with me, In my merry Oldsmobile.
They love to spark in the dark old park, as they go flying along,
She says she knows why his motor goes; his sparker's awfully strong.
Each day they spoon to the engine's tune, their honeymoon will happen soon,
He'll win Lucile with his Oldsmobile and then he'll fondly croon;
Come away with me Lucile in my merry Oldsmobile
Down the road of life we'll fly automo-bubbling you and I.
To the church we'll swiftly steal, then our wedding bells will peal,
You can go as far you like with me, In my merry Oldsmobile.
Come away Lucile 'cause if I may Lucile I want to take you for my bride,
And we'll chug along and always sing a song as down the road of life we fly
Even though my car is old and squeaky now it's better than a horse or train.
When I pull the throttle out and put her into third you think you're in a plane.
To the church we're heading for a quiet wedding then I'll crank her up and take the wheel
And away we'll go my honey, they will know my honey that our love is real.
You can go as far you like with me, In my merry Oldsmobile,
My merry Oldsmobile.