Game Changer (2019–) 2

A Game Changer egy vetélkedő a Dropouton, melyet Sam Reich készített. A műsor során a játékosok (jellemzően három, többnyire humoristák) minden epizódban egy új játékban vesznek részt, de előzetesen nem tudják a feltételeket és szabályokat. A műsort úgy írták le, mint ami egyesíti az… [tovább]

Képek 1


Sam Reichműsorvezető
Grant O'Brienönmaga
Lily Duönmaga
Brennan Lee Mulliganönmaga
Katie Marovitchönmaga
Jessica Rossönmaga
Ashley Kronönmaga
Rekha Shankarönmaga
Ally Beardsleyönmaga
Mike Trappönmaga

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 3

Várólistára tette 2

Népszerű idézetek


Sam, where are you from?

2. évad 4. rész – A Sponsored Episode

Sam: Remember, money doesn't buy you happiness, it's the goods and the services that money buys, that buys you happiness.

1. évad 3. rész – Game of Prizes

Sam: Welcome to Game Changer, the only game show where the game changes every show. Now you all understand how the game works.
Versenyzők: No.
Sam: That's right. Our contestants have no idea what game it is they are about to play. The only way to learn is by playing. The only way to win is by learning and the only way to begin is by beginning.


Sam: It seems to me time for a comic break,
the form of silly Cockneys shall it take.
And if my troupe is brave enough to try it,
they shall earn by blending in “Fad Diets.”

Joey: ‘Allo, blokes! We been ‘ired to play the fête
at a Duke Orsino this night.

Blaine: I shall have a gig. Is it even so?

Joey: It is so, Atkins.

Blaine: You mean to tell me, Keto,
that our musical stylin’ shall be heard
by the Duke Orsino himself?

Ross: Aye, indeed, he shall hear our styles
that have been known from ages of yore.
Even in the Paleo era, was our
musical styling known.

Blaine: Oh well. It has been some time since I have
tuned my instrument. For it has been some time
since we have been called upon to have a gig.
Indeed, I do not know if my tones shall be lasting,
for between gig to gig,
there was some Intermittent Fasting.

5. évad 5. rész – A Game Most Changed

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