Ellen DeGeneres: Elmondom hát mindenkinek (2018) 8

Ellen DeGeneres: Relatable
68' · amerikai · vígjáték, stand-up

A 2003 után ismét stand-up különkiadással jelentkező Ellen híressé válásának útjáról mesél, részletezve a menet közben szerzett mély – és fergeteges – tanulságokat.


Ellen DeGeneresönmaga

Várólistára tette 7

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Ellen: Yeah, that and the dancing. That was a mistake too. I'm not a dancer. I just danced as a joke. And then I danced the second day too good, and then the third..and I was locked in, I was the dancer. Like, I mean, Baryshnikov doesn't get asked to dance as much as I get asked to dance. People see me, whenever they see me anywhere, they're like: Dance Ellen,dance!

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