A Death Note sorozat musical változata, amelyet 2015-ben mutattak be a Tokiói Nissay Theatre-ben. Két felvétel készült, az elsőben a főszereplő Yagami Lightot Urai Kenji, a másodikban Kakizawa Hayato alakítja.
Várólistára tette 22
Kiemelt értékelések
Érdekes feldolgozás. Ha valamiről tényleg nem hittem volna, hogy musical lesz belőle, az a Death Note, de nem volt rossz. Sajnos csak az Urai Kenji féle változatot találtam meg, így csak ezt volt lehetőségem megnézni, ő pedig nem volt a legjobb Light, a trailerek alapján a másik szereposztásbeli színész sokkal jobban formálta meg a számító géniuszt, ez a változat igazán akkor jött bele, mikor a karakter kezdett teljesen megőrülni. L viszont remek volt, pedig mikor leültem nézni a felvételt, biztosra vettem, hogy ebben a pozícióban, úgy, hogy végig eszi a darabot, nincs az, akiből kijön énekhang, de megcsinálta. Teljesen jól hozta az animéből megismert figurát, telitalálat volt. Yuzuki Fuka Misája borzalmasan irritáló, de ez nem a színésznő, hanem a karakter hibája. Rem hihetetlenül jó, Ryuk kicsit furcsa, de összességében felismerhetően alakítja a már megismert halálistent. A mellékszereplők, mint Light apja és rendőrök szintén jót alakítottak, de nagy problémám van a spoiler
Mindenképp érdemes megnézni, szórakoztató, egészen jó feldolgozás, de vannak súlyos gyengepontjai.
Kiegészítés: A Kakizawa Hayato féle verziót bárkinek jó szívvel ajánlom. A történeti hibák megmaradtak, de a főszereplő sokkal hitelesebben alakít, mint másik szereposztásbeli társa, abszolút képes elvinni a hátán a darabot, és nagyon jó hangja van. Ráadásul a színész elég szimpatikus, hogy teljesen hihető legyen az, hogy Lightot mindenki könnyen megkedveli.
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Népszerű idézetek
L (a karakter egyik fő szólójának hivatalos angol nyelvű verziója):
Every fact that I thought I knew
Is subverting me
Deserting me
Every truth I was sure was true
Is on shaky ground
Has come unwound
What if the things I see
Are not as they appear
Are impossible, yet clear
How can I deny it?
Always only believed what was
Right in front of me
What I could see
Shinigami are real because
It's the only way
The only way
When all other explanations
Really don't explain
No matter how insane
You are left with only
The cold, hard truth
Can't shut it down
You can't change it
You can't turn it off
Or turn it 'round
Can't rearrange it
The cold, hard truth
A ragged scar
To remind you never forget
The way things are
I won't let who I used to be
How I used to think
Get me out of sync
I'll turn into a different me
Not so cynical
Not so clinical
Light is willing to risk it all
Defying all the odds
If I must, I'll fight the gods
'Til our war is over
The cold, hard truth
Can't lock it out
You can't change it
True or false, no
Shadow of a doubt
Can't rearrange it
The cold, hard truth
Is my north star
So I know I'll live and I'll die
The way things are
Frame by frame
I see this movie in black and white
Shot by shot
Minute by minute, just me and Light
The cold, hard truth
The way things are
I can't change it
Even if the truth
Seems too bizarre
I can't change it
The cold, hard truth
Is my north star
So no matter what he might try
Shake the heavens
Shatter the sky
I know we must both live and die
The way things are
Rem (A karakter szólójának hivatalos, angol verziója):
People always talk about it
I have always lived without it
Never understood its magic spell
It can take your breath away or
So that's what the poets say
Guess they outta know but who can tell
Never believed that anything could feel this true
Don't see it coming till it's standing right in front of you
When love comes
It takes you by surprise
You see things
Through someone else's eyes
When love comes
You'll never be the same
It scares you
Still you hope it stays forever
When love comes
Finally there's someone to cry for
Someone I will gladly die for
Someone who is all the way alive
Can't believe the peace I'm feeling
Almost like it can't be real
Even if I die, love will survive
Funny the things the human heart will put you through
Don't see it coming till it's standing right in front of you
When love comes
It catches you off-guard
So easy
Don't notice it's alive
When love comes
It happens way too fast
You hope you make the moment last forever
When love comes
You're the only part of me I'm certain will live on
All I ask of you is to remember love is never gone
When love comes
Don't let it slip away
Just hold on
And treasure everyday
When love comes
It struggles to belong
Don't fight it
Share a kiss and then surrender
When love comes
(A szám hivatalos, angol fordítása)
Light: Time to rethink
And begin
With a brand new game plan
Margin for error is slim
L: He's on the brink
He could win
I can't use the same plan
Time to start thinking like him
Light: What would I do if I got inside his head?
L: Thought like him instead?
Light: Could it be…
L: Possibly…
Light és L együtt: I'll catch him when…
I look through his eyes
See what he sees
And then improvise
Until I can learn what puts him at ease
I'll walk in his shoes
As long as it takes
'Til deep in my bones
I'm sure he is
One and the same as the me who is playing his game
Light: What does he do
Late at night
When the world is sleeping?
Does he see pixels, not dreams?
L: Hard to be true
Always right
All that promise keeping
Harder I'm sure than it seems
Light: How would it be if I saw the world like him?
L: Like a synonym?
Light: Bit by bit…
L: Wit by wit…
Light és L együtt: Catch him, I will…
I'll mimic his will
And learn his routines
And feel the same thrill
Whenever my end is served by his means
I'll walk in his shoes
As long as it takes
'Til deep in my bones
I'm sure he is
One and the same as the me who is playing his game
L: Steady
I must be ever so careful
Don't move until you are ready
He will be careful too
Light: Know it
Always stay calm and collected
Don't lose your cool or you'll blow it
Then he will unravel you
Light és L együtt:
Get into his head
And under his skin
The things that he said
The food that he likes, the places he's been
I'll look through his eyes
And see what he sees
'Til I see the forest, not just the trees
I'll mimic his will
And learn his routines
And feel the same thrill and know what it means
I'll walk in his shoes
As long as it takes
'Til deep in my bones
I'm sure I am
Winning my game while I'm saying
I'm playing his game
Yagami Soichiro (A karakter fő szólójának hivatalos angol fordítása):
Any grounds for L's suspicion
surely lie with me.
I must catch this monster Kira
so the world will see
my son is exactly
who he seems to be:
Honor bound and bound by honesty.
Accusations, innuendo,
theories full of cracks,
timelines, and coincidences
can't replace hard facts.
But if what I'm seeing
bends as light refracts,
am I blinded to what my son lacks?
If I thought these lies were true,
would I have the strength to do
anything I needed to
for justice' sake?
Could I stand the pain and lies
if it's Kira that I find
behind Light's eyes?
Listen to me, am I crazy
thinking he could be
some insane unfeeling monster
somehow raised by me?
Must come to my senses
and my sanity.
Let me see the son I need to see:
Honor bound and bound by honesty.
Honor bound to serve his family.
Sleep now, here among your choices
Then drift away
Hear now how the world rejoices
Shades of grey
Gone who was right or wrong
Who was weak or strong
Nothing left to learn
Feel every gentle breeze
Whisper through the trees
As the seasons turn
Souls sing their oratory
Fading west as they fly
Tales full of fleeting glories
Stories old as the word „goodbye”
Ah, old as the word goodbye
(A „Requiem” c. szám hivatalos angol fordítás)