Ani Skywalker mélyponton van. A felesége meghalt, ő maga pedig egy hamis és unalmas kormányzati munkában ragadt, és vágyakozva emlékszik vissza a régi szép időkre. Egy napon úgy dönt, megszökik, és újra fellobbantja a lángot, mely fiatalkorában éltette.
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Népszerű idézetek
Ani: Yeah, maybe I stumbled into it, maybe I was lucky. But ain't I got a right to find that out for myself? Am I gonna be so scared of what other people think, that I'm not even gonna try? So if I got a reputation, if I got anything worth losing, it's because I had the guts to try.
Tarkin: What I've never understood is why would the Jedi, who are supposedly the protectorate of the peace, plunge the galaxy into a war?
Obi-Wan: We declared war in the name of peace!
Tarkin: Do you remember Ani?
Obi-Wan: Yes. I loved him like a brother. So I cut him in half, and I put him in a volcano.
Tarkin: Oh. Well… he's better now.
Obi-Wan: Well. It's like… goddammit, right? It's like you think you kill a guy, and then he shows up as a goddamn robot. And this is the second bloody time this has happened to me!