Harmony Korine kísérleti filmjében a varázslatos infravörös fényképezés egy meggyötört bérgyilkos álomszerű portréját idézi fel.(IMDb)
Aggro Dr1ft (2023) 7★
Képek 32
Jordi Mollá | Bo |
Joshua Tilley | Toto |
Travis Scott | Zion |
Dustin Greer | |
Stet Blancett | Pepe |
Chanya Middleton | Bo felesége |
Xavier Rawson | Bo fia |
Madison Anderson | Bo lánya |
Savannah Brownfield | |
Megan Hernandez |
Népszerű idézetek
– The Evil Empire. This is what we are left with. Children with devil faces rising from the graves. No matter where I go, these demons arrive…
– We are the children with devil faces. We are the children with devil faces.
– There is magic in this brutality. I'm mesmerized by it. Right in front of my eyes. We are all turning into animals. There is no turning back. No turning back.