Idézetek 35
Gontard: There's still the issue of— of the assassination attempt.
Richelieu: Alas, we live in dangerous times.
Duke of Savoy: Have you captured the man who tried to kill me?
Richelieu: We shouldn't allow ourselves to be distracted by minor issues.
Richelieu: Need I remind you that we are tied together by decisions we both took in Savoy five years ago?
Tréville: There's not been one night since then I haven't thought of it.
Richelieu: I am the grand deceiver, and you are the bluff, honest man of action. I'm familiar with the roles we play, Captain.
– Aki lefejezteti az anyját, ritkán népszerű, talán még hálátlannak is tűnhet.
apáca: – Van egy muskétánk és némi lőszerünk. Nyulat lövünk vele és protestánsokat.
Athos: If Rochefort's advances to the Queen are treason, what does that make yours?
Aramis: Love.
Athos: I'm sure the King will appreciate the difference.
Athos: This woman is a liar and a cheat, why should we trust her?
Milady: Aramis is dead, the King is in terrible danger, but by all means let's discuss my moral character. We have all day.
Treville: All right, I'll ride with you. But not as your commanding officer.
D'Artagnan: Whatever you say, Captain.
Constance Bonacieux: Stop fighting! All of you! Is three against one fair?
Athos: We weren’t going to kill him.
Porthos: Weren’t we?
Aramis: Next time, let us know.