A gyilkosok (1946) 22

The Killers
97' · amerikai · dráma, film noir, krimi !

0 díj · 4 jelölés

Két hivatásos gyilkos teljesít egy gyilkossági megbízást. Áldozatuk, az egykori boxoló ellenállás nélkül hagyja, hogy megöljék. A megbízás végrehajtása után az áldozat életbiztosításának ügynöke ügynöke nyomozni kezd a halál lehetséges okai után. A nyomozás során feltárul a gyilkosság oka és az… [tovább]


Képek 24


Burt LancasterOle 'Swede' Anderson
Ava GardnerKitty Collins
Edmond O'BrienJim Reardon
Albert DekkerBig Jim Colfax
Sam LevenePolice Lt. Sam Lubinsky
Virginia ChristineLilly Harmon Lubinsky
Vince BarnettCharleston
Jack Lambert'Dum-Dum' Clarke
Charles McGrawAl
William ConradMax

További szereplők

Várólistára tette 26

Kiemelt értékelések


Izgalmas krimi abból a korszakból, amikor nem a technikai eszközök bevetésével derítették ki a tettesek kilétét, hanem ésszel és fortéllyal nyomoztak.
Hangulatos és hamisítatlan noir élményt kapunk, kiváló színészekkel és Rózsa Miklós feszültséget fokozó zenéjével.

Népszerű idézetek


Jim Reardon: The double cross to end all double crosses.


Al: You got anything to drink?
George: I can give you soda, beer, ginger ale…
Al: I said, 'You got anything to drink?'
George: No.
Al: This is a hot town. Whatta ya call it?
George: Brentwood.
Al: Did you ever hear of Brentwood?
(Max shakes his head.)
Al: Whatta ya do here nights?
Max sarcastically: They eat the dinner. They all come here and eat the big dinner.
George showing fear: That's right.
Al: You're a pretty bright boy, aren't you?
George: Sure.
Max: Well you're NOT!
Max to Al: Is he Al?
Al: He's dumb!


George: What'll it be, gentlemen?
Max: I don't know. Whatta you want to eat, Al?
Al: I don't know what I want to eat.
Max: I'll have the roast pork tenderloin with apple sauce and mashed potatoes.
George: That's not ready yet.
Max: Then what's it on the card for?
George: Well, that's on the dinner. You can have that at six o'clock. That clock is ten minutes fast. The dinner isn't ready yet.
Max: Never mind the clock. What have you got to eat?
George: Well, I can give you any kind of sandwiches: bacon and eggs, liver and bacon, ham and eggs, steak…
Al: I'll have the chicken croquettes with the cream sauce and the green peas and the mashed potatoes.
George: That's on the dinner too.
Al: Everything we want's on the dinner. That's the way want's on the dinner – that's the way you work it, huh?
George: I can give you ham and eggs, bacon and eggs…
Al: I'll take ham and eggs.
Max: Give me bacon and eggs.
George: One ham and, bacon and.
Sam loudly: Comin' up!


Jim Reardon: Good morning, Stella.
Stella: Good morning, dream boy.


Lieutenant Sam Lubinsky: Don't ask a dying man to lie his soul into Hell.


Jim Reardon: How well did you know the Swede?
Charleston: Me? Mister, I guess me and the Swede were about as close as two guys can get. For nearly two years we weren't more than eight and a half feet apart. That's how big the cell was.


Jim Reardon: When was the last time you saw him?
Charleston: Mister, did you say 'when?'
Jim Reardon: Yes.
Charleston: Mister, when it comes to dates, 1492 is the only one I can remember.


Jim Reardon: How much time has he got?
Lieutenant Sam Lubinsky: He's behind schedule now.


Max: What are you laughing at?
George: Nothing.
Max: You see something funny?
George: No.
Max: Then don't laugh.


Jim Reardon: Who's Big Jim?
Lieutenant Sam Lubinsky: Colfax? A thief with a touch of class.

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