2 vagy 3 dolgot tudok csak róla (1967) 9

2 or 3 Things I Know About Her · 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle
87' · francia · vígjáték

Juliette sok társához hasonlóan prostitúcióból szerez pénzt arra, hogy fenntarthassa családja középosztálybeli életszínvonalát. Reggel leadja gyerekeit a gyerekvigyázóba (ami egyúttal szobát is ad légyottokra), majd kávézni, ruhát vásárolni megy. Egyik barátnőjével, aki hasonló cipőben jár,… [tovább]


Képek 23


Marina VladyJuliette Jeanson
Anny DupereyMarianne
Roger MontsoretRobert Jeanson
Raoul LévyJohn Bogus
Jean NarboniRoger
Christophe BourseillerChristophe Jeanson
Marie BourseillerSolange Jeanson

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 14

Népszerű idézetek


– I was doing the dishes. I started to cry. I heard a voice say to me…"You're indestructible."


– Mommy, what's language?
– Language is the house man lives in.


– Dead objects are still alive. Living persons are often already dead.


– If, by chance, you can't afford LSD, then buy a color TV.


– I had a funny feeling. I thought about it all day. The feeling of my ties to the world. Suddenly I felt I was the world…and the world was me. It would take pages and pages to describe it. Volumes and volumes.


– We made it.
– Made it where?
– Home.
– Now what do we do?
– Sleep. What's got into you?
– And then what?
– We wake up.
– Then what?
– The same thing. We start over. We wake up again. We eat.
– And then what?
– I don't know. We die.
– And then what?


– What we think is not reality…but a shadow of reality.


– I forget Hiroshima and Auschwitz. I forget Budapest. I forget Vietnam and minimum wages. I forget the housing crisis. I forget the famine in India.

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