Portraits 28158

Son Kwang Eop dél-koreai

1970. július 3. (Tegu, Dél-Korea) –

Teljes név손광업 | Son Kwang Eop | Son Kwang Eob | Son Gwang Eop | Son Gwang Eob


Szerepei 6

Manyeosikdangeuro Oseyo (2021–2021)
Come to the Witch's Restaurant / The Witch's Diner · 마녀식당으로 오세요
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Beonoisoosa (2020–2020)
Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation / Further Investigation / Extraordinary Investigation · 번외수사
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Memorist (2020–2020)
Byeon Yeong Soo
Baekilui Nanggoonnim (2018–2018)
100 Days My Prince / Hundred Days' Husband / Dear Husband of 100 Days / · 백일의 낭군님
Jang Moon Suk (Kim Cha Eun jobbkeze)
Moogoonghwa Kkotyi Pieotseubmida (2017–2017)
Lovers in Bloom / The Rose of Sharon has Bloomed · 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다
Lee Gyu Seok (rendőr)
Johji Anihanga (2007)
Skeletons In The Closet / Shim's Family · 좋지 아니한가