Portraits 46570

Park Gwang Jae


Szerepei 9

A 100 legrátermettebb : A föld alatt (2024–2024)
Physical: 100 Season 2 - Underground · 피지컬: 100 시즌2 / 피지컬: 100 2 (Pijikeol: 100 2 )
Banditák balladája (2023–2023)
Song of the Bandits / Bandit: The Sound of the Sword / Thief: The Sound of the Sword · 도적: 칼의 소리 (Dojeog: Kalui Soli)
Heuk Dong
Büntetlenül – Véres küldetés (2022)
The Roundup · 범죄도시2 (BumJoedoshi 2)
Park osztályvezető
Yucheitalja (2021)
Fluid Renegades / Spiritwalker · 유체이탈자
Akui Kkot (2020–2020)
Flower of Evil / Evil Flower · 악의 꽃
Sung Jae Goo
Baekilui Nanggoonnim (2018–2018)
100 Days My Prince / Hundred Days' Husband / Dear Husband of 100 Days / · 백일의 낭군님
favágó (ep.1)
Memoir of a Murderer: Another Memory (2017)
살인자의 기억법 : 새로운기억
Big Boy