Chen Tong Xun

Jelmeztervező 6

Lang Dian Xia (2020–2020)
The Wolf · 狼殿下
Chen Qing Ling (2019–2019)
The Untamed / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation · 陈情令 / 魔道祖师 (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Hou Gong Ruyi Zhuan (2018–2018)
Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace / Inner Palace: Legend of Ruyi · 后宫·如懿传 / 如懿傳
Du Gu Tian Xia (2018–2018)
The Legend of Dugu · 独孤天下
Yao Mao Zhuan (2017)
Legend of the Demon Cat / Demon Cat · 妖猫传 / 空海―KU-KAI―