Ódor_Endre  idézete


– I just like being scared. Cane's work scares me.
– What's to be scared about? It's not like it's real or anything.
– It's not real from your point of view, and right now reality shares your point of view. What scares me about cane's work, is what might happen if reality shared his point of view.
– Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're not talking about reality here. We're talking about fiction, it's different, you know?
– A reality is just what we tell each other it is. Sane and insane could easily switch places, if the insane were to become the majority. You would find yourself locked in a padded cell, wondering what happened to the world.
– No, that wouldn't happen to me.
– Well, it would if you realized everything you ever knew was gone. It'd be pretty lonely being the last one left.