CJ Entertainment

Akui Yeondaegi (2015)
The Chronicles of Evil · 악의 연대기
Geomeun sajedeul (2015)
The Priests · 검은 사제들
A kotnyeles nyomozó (2015)
The Accidental Detective · 탐정: 더 비기닝
Újra itt a szerelem! (2015)
Salut D'Amour · 장수상회 - Jangsoosanghwe
Sungnan Byeonhosa (2015)
The Advocate: A Missing Body
Veterán (2015)
Veteran · 베테랑
A barackvirág éneke (2015)
The Sound of a Flower · Dorihwaga (도리화가)
Appareul Bilryeodeuribnida (2014)
Dad for Rent · 아빠를 빌려드립니다
GROW: Inpiniteuui Rieol Cheonchun Raipeu (2014)
GROW: Infinite's Real Youth Life · GROW: 인피니트의 리얼 청춘 라이프