Sincerely Louis CK (2020) 1

Louis CK visszatér és most sem fogja vissza magát, amikor olyan témákról beszél, mint a vallás, Isten, gyermekbántalmazás, és persze a szexuális visszaéléssel kapcsolatos vádakra is reagál.

Képek 5


Louis C. K.Louis C. K.

Kedvencelte 1

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– I’m going to pray on that for you.” [Groans] I have a feeling when she prays, God’s like, “Ugh! Fuck! This one makes me want to get out of the business. How many of you, by applause, believe there is a God. How many people? All right. About 30 out of 1,400. That's nice. That's nice. That shit's over. It's just fucking over.


– How was 2018 and ’19 for you guys? [Laughter] Anybody else getting global amounts of trouble, anybody else… [Laughs, groans] Fuck!

[Cheering and applause]

That was crazy… Man, I was in a lot of trou– Wait till they see those pictures of me in blackface. That’s gonna to be… That’s going to make it a lot worse. Because there is a lot of those, there’s thousands of pictures of me in blackface. I can’t stop doing it, I just… I like it, I like how it feels. [Laughter]

Fuck, man, that was… You know what? I learned a lot. I learned a lot — I learned how to eat alone in a restaurant with people giving me the finger from across the room. [Laughter]


– Being wrong the other way is not a big problem. If you believe in God and you’re wrong, you don’t really have a problem. It gives you a little comfort during your stupid life. And then at the end, you’re just seriously disappointed for like a second — it’s the last feeling you get to have. You die, you’re like, “Nothing? Seriously? Nothing?” “Yeah, just get in the Dumpster. Sorry.” [Laughter] “Sorry, you’re just garbage now.” If you don’t believe in God, that’s what you believe — that when you die, you’re just garbage. You are your family’s newest garbage.

1 hozzászólás

– Forty-four members of my family were in Auschwitz during World War II. I mean, they were guards, they worked there. No, no, no, no. They were Jews and they died. It’s okay. Don’t be offended. It’s true. We lost the whole family there, everybody — the whole — because we were Hungarian Jews. My grandfather on my father’s side, he’s the only one who made it; the rest them, all 44 of them, went to Auschwitz, which I think they really regretted. But that’s — that’s what happened, because the Hungarians sent all their Jews to — They didn’t — they weren’t even occupied, Hungary, they’re just like, “Yeah, take — take our Jews.” And they sent my whole family there. And they were all — died in Auschwitz, all except for him.


– And they sent my whole family there. And they were all — died in Auschwitz, all except for him. My grandfather’s the only one who made it. Because he got the fuck out of there before it started — in the late ’20s, he fucking smelled that shit and he got the fuck out. And he went to Mexico. He migrated to Mexico. And we found his immigration card. My uncle and I did the family history and we found it. It says, “Nationality: Hungarian,” and it says, “Religion: Catholic.”

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