Idézetek 194
Jay: You got to know how to build things.
Luke: I can build suspense.
Manny: Uh, you have to face it, Jay. One day, I'll moving out of this house.
Jay: Can I get that in writing?
Manny: It's funny, Luke and I usually don't go for the same type of girl.
Luke: Yeah. I would describe my type as gettable.
Gloria: I think I care more about you fitting in that you do.
Manny: No. I care. I care a lot. It's just the stuff I'm good at isn't the stuff that makes you popular.
Claire reading Grace's letter: Dear Phil, you've always been the most wonderful son, and now I need you to do one last thing for me.
Phil: Oh, no. She's gonna ask me to throw her ashes in the Pope's face.
Woman 1: Hey, you! Are you liking that book?
Cam: It's not the worst thing I've picked up at an airport, but close. *women laugh* What is this, a book club or a Miss America pageant? *all laugh*
Woman 2: We're looking for our next book.
Cam: What are you reading now?
Woman 3: Tempted by her innocent kiss. I'm sure you don't know it.
Cam: Oh, please. Devon Carter was Ashley's first, she wants their passion to last, but her hopes of true love are crushed when she finds out their marriage is just another one of Daddy's business deals. I'm gay.
Woman 3: Oh! My grandson is gay. His name is Daniel Schulman. Uh, do you know him?
Cam: Oh! Is he about this tall, dark hair, circumcised? *all laugh*
Women 4: You're terrible.
Woman 1: Okay, ladies. Do you think we have a seat for a handsome young man?
Cam: Well, let me know when he gets here and maybe I'll come back.
Jay: It's like a traffic ticket. You walk into court, pay a fine, it's done. Quick and easy.
Gloria: Yes, that was the name of the whorehouse.
Phil: I'm so glad you guys are here. I hope it wasn't too hard to get away from work.
Mitchell: No, please, anything for family.
Mitchell to the camera: Anything to get me out of that office. Ugh! It's all boring paperwork and endless meetings. Honestly, this funeral could not have come at a better time.