Megöltem az apámat (2022–2022) 23

Anthony Templet lelőtte az apját, ami soha nem tagadott. Tettének indítékai bonyolult kérdéseket vetnek fel, melyek mélyebb vonatkozásai túlmutatnak egyetlen családon.

Várólistára tette 19

Kiemelt értékelések


Érdekes egy dokumentumfilm volt, nem hallottam erről az esetről, de végig azon izgultam, nehogy életfogytiglanit kapjon, mert nem érdemelte ki. spoiler Izgalmas volt, és érdekfeszítő az egész történet, nagyon kíváncsi voltam, hogy mi lesz a végkifejlet, mi lesz Anthony sorsa a végén. spoiler


A szokásos doku, annyi különbséggel, hogy itt most a „gyilkosnak” szorít az ember, hogy az igazságszolgáltatás tényleg igazságot szolgáltasson. Remélem, hogy sikerül Anthonynak szocializálódnia és teljes értékű életet élnie ezek után. Sajnáltam, ahogy pityergett és igazából jól döntött, hogy lepuffantotta az apját, nem érdemelt jobbat, Anthony viszont igen. Szorítok neki!

Népszerű idézetek


Anthony: I feel like a father should never, like, physically harm any of their kids. I guess an ideal father would just be, like… protect them and make them feel wanted and. But also kind of let them do their own thing.

1. évad 2. rész – I Found My Son

Anthony: Towards, like maybe 10, 11, 12 age, I started to feel like I wasn't treated the same as normal people were. It's easier to control a dumb person than a smart person, right.

1. évad 3. rész – Big Bad Burt

Jarrett: And so I hate to see people that are hopeless. And so that's why I have such a strong draw to Anthony, because I feel like he was given so little. And so, I've taken this case pro bono. I won't charge him any money, ever. And I told him, „Everything about you is on the line here.” "Your liberty, your freedom, the rest of your life is on the line." „I'm here to fight for you.”

1. évad 3. rész – Big Bad Burt

Anthony: It was kind of do or die, you know? Kind of felt like my life was in danger. And I felt like no one could help me, so…

1. évad 3. rész – Big Bad Burt

Maisha: We, as a society, tend to shy away from wanting to explore domestic abuse. People say, „Oh, that's not my business.” "I shouldn't know what's happening behind closed doors." And nothing has changed in the 20 years that I've been working with abuse victims, in that they're still ashamed to admit that that's something they experienced. We oftentimes hear, „Why are you in this? Why are you staying?” We don't necessarily ask the question, „Why does this person abuse, um, someone that they claim to love?” That's a better question that we should ask as a society. But unfortunately, we're still not there in terms of our response to domestic abuse.

1. évad 3. rész – Big Bad Burt

Teresa: I want to be his friend. 'Cause I know it would never be a mother-son relationship. That, that was the past. There's so much I want to tell him. That we were all very, very close when he was a child, and don't let what happened to you, make you a bad person, and just remember that you got a family that loves you, and you deserve better… than what you went through. And I just want to wish him good luck. A lot of luck. I want him to be able to live a normal life. Whatever normal is.

1. évad 3. rész – Big Bad Burt

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