Egyszer volt, hol nem volt Anatóliában (2011) 9

Once Upon a Time in Anatolia · Bir zamanlar Anadolu'da
157' · bosnyák, török · dráma, krimi

1 díj · 5 jelölés

Egy csapat férfi, közük egy orvos, egy ügyész, egy rendőrfőnök és egy gyilkosság gyanúsítottja, egy elásott holttestet keres a anatóliai sztyeppéken.

Képek 9


Muhammet UzunerDr. Cemal
Taner BirselNusret
Ahmet Mümtaz TaylanAli
Firat TanisKenan
Ercan KesalMukhtar
Erol ErarslanYasar, a gyilkosság áldozata
Murat KiliçIzzet rendőr
Emre SenOnder őrmester
Nihan OkutucuGülnaz, Yasar felesége
Cansu DemirciCemile, Mukhtar lánya

Várólistára tette 21

Népszerű idézetek


– The thing is… If it comes to it, you also have to be able to give up. We none of us live forever, do we, doctor? The Prophet Solomon. He lived to 750. Gold, jewels…Well, he died in the end too. Right, doctor?


– We have a lot of relatives in Germany. They want to come and see the body. You get them on the phone saying, „Don't bury dad, I have to kiss him. ” Fine, but the man smells. Where are you going to kiss him?


– The male corpse measured 180 cm tall. How old is the victim, doctor?
– I think we could say 35-40.
– You are right. Was aged 35-40…looked like Clark Gable…weighed an estimated 80-90 kg… Abidin, you've got that word for word, huh?
– You look a bit like Clark Gable, you know, Mr. Prosecutor?


– Too bad, chief. Looks like you've started smoking again.
– Well, doctor. I give up, but the damn thing won't give me up.

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