Idézetek 5
– Okay, fine. I will grab it. But that means, you're the lookout. So if someone's coming, you have to warn me.
– Yeah. I'll give you a signal. I'll say Quetzalcoatlus.
– What the hell is that?
– It's a prehistoric giant flying bird, the size of a giraffe… I'll say giraffe.
– Okay, so first they saw a basketball. Then they saw a ladder. Then they saw the trampoline. And they decided to dunk the ball by climbing up the ladder, jumping off the trampoline toward the hoop?
– Well, Nico tried and then went flying and landed on his wrist. Then, undeterred by Nico's screams of pain, Jace put Wyatt on the trampoline, jumped off the ladder to try to bounce Wyatt up to the hoop, and then Jace went flying, and then Wyatt went flying and landed on Nico. And everybody broke everything.
– Don't blame the shooter.
– Don't shoot the messenger?
– Whatever.
– You told me to find a hobby.
– I meant yoga, not espionage.
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