Idézetek 45
Troy: Have you been out all night with those hipsters?
Britta: Hipsters?
Troy: That pack of old people that hang out in the cafeteria. People call them hipsters 'cause they all have hip replacements.
Jeff: Dean, I like my job. I don't mind coming to work here. I feel kinda guilty when I pretend to be sick. And I try to steal as little as possible, just the basics. Pens, coffee filters, toilet paper, and one time, an overhead projector and a roll of carpet. But I don't lead you on, and I never will. Because I'm not just a pretty face that murders people and tells you what you wanna hear, I'm less than that. I'm a gorgeous face that works for you and considers you a friend.
Abed: We could repilot. This could be like Scrubs season nine, a revamp, a do-over. Jeff could come back to Greendale as a teacher.
Jeff: First, why are you here?
Second, I don't care. Leave.
Jeff: Számomra a vallás olyan, mint Paul Rudd. Értem a rajongást, de engem nem hat meg.
Abed: Jó, hogy van kivel néznem. Apám sosem akart nézni semmit, úgyhogy a TV nevelt fel.
Jeff: A TV a legjobb apa. Nem jön haza részegen. Nem felejt ott az állatkertben. Nem bántott vagy vert meg soha. Leszámítva a Cop Rockot.
Britta: You thing you're gonna save my bacon using your lawyer powers and send me into fits of grateful arousal.
Jeff: I can neither confirm nor deny that. See how good I am?
Frankie: Winger úr, milyen csinos lett!
Jeff: Ugyan már! Én mindig jól nézek ki.
Abed: A rémkoboldok pórul jártak. Elmenekülnek a dzsungelbe.
Jeff: Jól teszitek! Keressetek magatoknak egy igazi nevet, ne csak toldalékoljatok egy meglévőt!